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Global Engagement FAQ

Global Engagement FAQ

Visit UTHM

We plan to visit UTHM. How to apply?

For those interested to visit UTHM kindly fill in the Visit Request Form and e-mail it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We need the completed form 2 weeks prior to the proposed visit date. Please wait for our confirmation email with the visit itinerary before committing to your travelling arrangement and contact us 3 days before your visit to confirm your attendance.

Do you provide transportation and accommodation service from the airport to UTHM?

Unfortunately we do not provide transportation and accommodation services to any visitors but we can suggest nearby hotel for you to stay. We only arrange the visit program at the campus.

Matching Partnership & Collaboration

This is the first time we are going to visit UTHM but not sure which faculty we should collaborate with.

We will invite all the faculty representatives that have similar programs with your institution to join the meeting session. The outcome of this meeting may provide an overview of which faculty to collaborate with or become your international partner.

Courtesy Visit & Meeting

We understand that we need to contact PIC faculty for our next visit but our university’s President will join this visit too

International Office will arrange courtesy visit to our Vice Chancellor subject to the availability.

Agreement Signing (MoU, MoA, LoI)

We would like to extend our collaboration with FKMP to the next level. Will International Office organize MoU Signing Ceremony or to whom should we contact?

International office do not organize LoI/ Mou/ MoA or any signing ceremony. Please contact your partner or PIC related faculty. They will assist you on the signing ceremony.

We want to sign MoU/MoA with UTHM. How long does it take?

It depends on the type of agreement. The MoU / MoA will take some time as it will need to go through UTHM Legal office and executive board meeting. The MoA needs to be approved at the University board level. Usually it takes approximately 2 until 3 months.

What documents are required for agreement process?

For Partner Institution : Need to discuss with the faculty about the content of the agreement. As a result of the discussion, an agreement document should be prepared whether to use the UTHM template or partner institution.

For UTHM side : Need to provide some documents such as draft agreement, related paperwork, appointment of faculty representative and summary of the agreement. Faculty need to submit all the documents via online. Please contact Pejabat Hubungan Industri for the submission details. 

Contact Person/Officer in Charge

I have some other questions about international Engagement. Who should I contact?

You can directly email international office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to Head of Department (International Engagement) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We intend to send students to UTHM. Who should I contact?

You can email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to Head of Department (International Engagement) Dr. Ezak Fadzrin bin Ahmad Shaubari at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.