List of Faculty

The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment (FKAAB), formerly known as Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FKAAS), was established on May 1, 2004 as a result of the merging of two departments, i.e. the Department of Civil Engineering (Faculty of Engineering) and the Department of Construction and Environmental Engineering Technology (Faculty of Engineering Technology). The Department of Civil Engineering dates back to September 13, 1993 when Pusat Latihan Staf Politeknik (PLSP) was set up, while the Department of Construction and Environmental Engineering Technology was established on September 30, 2000 when Institut Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn (ITTHO) was upgraded to Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn (KUiTTHO).
FKAAB offers academic programmes to students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. These programmes are specifically designed towards the achievement of the faculty's vision and mission. Boasting a pool of academicians and researchers with doctorates from all across the globe, including United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany, Sweden, New Zealand, Japan and Hong Kong, FKAAB is a prime mover in conducting innovative and sustainable research in accordance with the needs of the nation. With its top quality education and prowess in research and development, FKAAB strives to become a driving force in producing human capital, and a main center of reference in civil engineering and built environment.

The Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering or also known as FKEE, was established on the 1st of May 2004, from the merger of two previous faculties in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, namely Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering Technology.
In FKEE, we believe on a high quality degree to fulfil the industrial needs. Therefore, our academic programmes are specifically designed to adhere to the stringent requirements by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA), Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) and Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). The students can choose to specialise in various electrical and electronic engineering fields such as computer engineering, communication, mechatronics, microelectronics, medical electronics and electrical power.
In FKEE, the students are encouraged and nurtured to be competitive, dynamic, creative and highly ethical. These positive attributes are constantly instilled in them during the teaching & learning; and also in the extracurricular activities organised by the faculty from time to time. These efforts have made the FKEE graduates to be on par with other well-recognised higher learning institutions in Malaysia and highly sought after by the prospective employers.


The Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education (FPTV) of the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), was formally known as the Faculty of Technical Education (FTE). Their inception began in September 27th, 2000, as the Department of Technical and Vocational Education (DTVE) under the auspices of the Faculty of Engineering Technology, Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn (KUiTTHO).Â

FPTP was established on 20th June 2001 and fully operationalized on the 1st January 2002. FPTP is committed to become an excellent faculty in leading technology management initiatives, with an aim to produce technology managers that are creative, innovative and competent as well as able to apply, explore and lead technology management initiatives.

The Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology (FAST) is the newest faculty at UTHM, established in 2017. FAST offers SEVEN academic programmes under three departments: Physics & Chemistry, Mathematics & Statistics, and Technology & Natural Resources.
The acronym FAST also holds a special meaning embodying the tauhidic paradigm emphasized in UTHM Mission: F-Fatonah (intelligence), A-Amanah (trustworthiness), S-Siddiq (truthfulness) and T-Tabligh (disseminating the message).

The history of Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology (FSKTM), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia started in September 2000 with the establishment of the Department of Information Technology and Multimedia (JTMM), Faculty of Engineering Technology, Kolej Universiti Tun Hussein Onn (KUiTTHO). In May 2004, JTMM moves ahead with the establishment of Faculty of Information Technology and Multimedia (FTMM) which was operating at Parit Raja City Kampus, Batu Pahat, Johor.

Faculty of Engineering Technology (FTK) University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) is currently operating in Pagoh Education Hub, Johor. Pagoh Education Hub is known to be the largest public education hub area in Malaysia.
The aim of the Faculty is to conduct academic engineering technology programmes which include foundational theory and emphasize on applications of the theory. Currently, FTK is offering several academic programmes at bachelor level. The engineering technology programmes are structured to be more practical biased than the conventional science-based engineering degree programme elsewhere. The career prospect of engineering technologist covers a broad spectrum in engineering field from product development, manufacturing, construction, improvement to optimisation of its operational functions.
To implement more practical biased curriculum, students are exposed to practical-based training throughout the 4-year programme with weightage of 60% practical and 40% theory. Practical will be conducted in the form of laboratory works, workshops and industrial training. In addition, FTK students are nurtured to be dynamic, creative and ethical by instilling soft skills throughout the teaching and learning process. Students will be guided by qualified and experienced academicians that are experts and professional in their respective fields. At the end of the programme, students are
expected to be dynamically competent to fulfil the ever-growing needs and requirements from both community and industries.