Contact Us
Feel free to reach out to the specific department relevant to your query, and our experts will ensure a prompt and personalized response.
Contact Us
Feel free to reach out to the specific department relevant to your query, and our experts will ensure a prompt and personalized response.

Director of The International Office
Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Ramlee bin Kamarudin, PhD
+607-453 4803

International Engagement Department
Dr. Mimi Faisyalini binti Ramli
+607-453 4985

International Promotion & Marketing Department
Ts. Dr. Furzani binti Pa'ee / Mrs. Nurin
+607-453 4982

International Mobility & Student Experience Department
Mrs. Yeoh Li Cheng / Mr. Hazrul / Ms. Misya Qistina
+607-453 4982

Visa Department
Mr. Harith / Mr. Azizi / Ms. Aisyah
+607-453 3339
Any complaints and feedback that you wish to convey can be done through the WeCare@UTHM System.